Arent I Already Christian?

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Not everyone who claims to be a Christian will be in heaven.

Perhaps you know someone who says they're a Christian, but their life looks no different from anyone else's.

Maybe that person is you.

Do you think that just because you believe God is real, He will let you in?

Even the devil knows God is real, and he's not in heaven.

Do you think your life is good enough?

God says our good deeds are like filthy rags compared to His perfection.

Do you think that because you read your Bible or go to church, you'll get a pass?

Judas traveled with Jesus Himself for three years, and even he wasn't saved.

God's standard is perfection.

We can't trick, work, or beg our way there.

A Christian:

Knows they’ve done wrong, are a sinner (Romans 3)

Knows they’re powerless to change and need a Savior (Isaiah 64)

Knows Jesus is the only possible Savior (John 14)

Asks God to forgive them for thier sins (1 John 1)

Believes they are saved (John 3)

Lives their life transformed by and for Christ (Romans 12)

No christian is perfect, but we are marked by the desire to continually serve God, out of love and gratefulness for what he did for us.

Does that describe you? Do you want it to?

Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to GodDo not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind

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