Whats Next

Where should you go from here.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The Gospel according to Matthew Chaper 11 Verse 28

There is no 3 or 5 or 10 step plan to get to heaven but there are certain things every person has to know.

We need to know we must be saved.

The standard we have to reach is perfection. 

All of us have done things that are wrong. If you look in Exodus Chapter 20 at what's known as the 10 commandments (10 Laws) not one of us has perfectly obeyed them.

Perhaps even more, we have failed to do all the good things we should.

So what hope do we have of heaven?

Throughout the entire bible a saviour was promised to God's people. One who would take the punishment for our sins so that we would be innocent.

We need to know there is a saviour.

We aren't still waiting on a saviour. The saviour has come 

God himself, Jesus Christ, living a perfect life (one we never could) and ultimately being put to death (though he was innocent) all in God's plan so that he could take the punishment for anyone who gives their life to him.

We need to know the saviour is returning.

A day is coming when Jesus will come back, not as a baby like he said 2000 years ago. He will come as a king and everyone will know. Anyone who claims Jesus has already returned is ignoring the truth of the Bible.

Jesus it's returning to judge the world. All those who have not trusted in him will have an eternity without God. 

What is your excuse for your sins? 

We need to believe that the saviour really came, that the saviour was really God, not just a man because a man could never be good enough and we need to give our life to him.

All those who believe in him will have eternal life.

We need to know we must change.

A sign of being saved is the change in our life and the continual attempt to change. 

We will never be perfect on earth. But we must be continually trying to change, to make ourselves more like Jesus.

A friend who hurt you, apologised, then continued to hurt you is no friend. So are we if our lives don't change when we claim to be Christian. 

Part of that change is getting involved in a local church. You don't have to do these things alone! Jesus gave us the church to guide us and help us through life.

Rod and Staff was made by the

Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland.

Here you can find a map of our congregations:


If there are none nearby please reach out and we can do our best to arrange transport or find you a local church to get involved in.