Could God Love Me?

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"If you knew what my life's like, you'd know God couldn’t love me."

Does that sound like something you'd say?

Perhaps you've made a total mess of your life.

Maybe you've done things that you don't want anyone to ever know.

Or you've hurt the people you love most.

God's perfect and you aren't. He's the Judge and you've got no defence.

and you know, at the end, you'll be found guilty.

You might be surprised to know, the worst sin there is, is one we've all committed.

It's living our life without any regard for the God who made us.

It might surprise you more to know that God loves messed up, broken and imperfect people.


The God who loves sinners has given us the way to be found innocent, a saviour.

His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Knowing every bad thing we've done, Christ died for sinners, taking the punishment they deserve, and rose again from the grave.

No one is too far gone.

The apostle Paul went from attacking and even killing Christians to being one of the most influential men in the church.

Anyone who puts their trust in him will receive forgiveness, and will be given a new life.

God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

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