What Makes Our God Different?

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"All religions are just the same."

The problem with that claim is that it simply isn’t true.

Sometimes, people who make this claim have never really looked at what different religions teach.

In other cases, people assume that because certain beliefs are shared across multiple religions, the entire religion must be the same.

The result is a watered-down version of each religion that none of its followers would recognize.

All religions are not the same.

Christianity is, in fact, unique

mainly because the Christian God, who speaks to us in the Bible, is entirly unique.

The God of the Bible is the one and only truly existing God.

He is, first and foremost loving.

He created the universe and though people chose to (and continue to) disobey God (sin)

he continues to maintain it under His sovereign direction.

He is outside the entire universe, yet involved in every atom of it.

He created human beings for a loving relationship with Him.

When we rebel against Him, He does all that is needed to restore the relationship.

The best way to discover who God is for yourself is to read the Bible for yourself.

Why not give it a try?

To you it was shown, that you might know that the LORD is God; there is no other besides him.

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