Why Is The World So Bad?

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How can anyone believe in a good God in such an awful world?

You see the damage caused by things beyond human control.

Disease, natural disasters, death.

Perhaps you’ve watched a family member

gradually lose their health, and eventually, pass on.

Or you see the damage caused by our own evil actions.

War, Poverty and injustice.

God created a perfect world, one free of any suffering but gave humans the freedom to obey or disobey him.

People chose to (and continue to) disobey God (sin).

Because of this, the perfect world God created was polluted and we live with the continual effects of that.

God never promises christians a life without earthly suffering.

We are promised the strength and support to endure.

More importantly, we're promised freedom from the worst consequence of our sin

what happens after we die.

Those who haven't trusted in Jesus to save them will spend eternity in punishment, separated from God.

Those who have will spend eternity with God in perfection—in heaven.

This is only possible because Jesus gave up a perfect life in heaven for a time to live on earth, suffer, and ultimately die.

In His death on the cross, He took the punishment for the sins of anyonee who would believe in Him. There is a perfect place one free of sin and suffering.

But only those who ask God to forgive them for their sins and give their lives over to Him will see it.

Where will you end up?

Creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.

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